Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Last week I was on holiday for the week in Yorkshire. We stayed in a cottage on a farm out in the country, and spent a bunch of time hiking and generally getting away from the hecticness of London life.

One of the main reasons we chose Yorkshire was that the Yorkshire Sculpture Park currently has the first UK exhibition for Kaws. I've been a big Kaws fan for a number of years so was nerding out pretty hard at getting the opportunity to see his work in person for the first time. And while the 6 giant sculptures are the pieces that seem to be attracting the most attention it was actually the gallery display of his other work that I liked the best. It was great to see some of the artwork and sculptures that have been iconic for so long. The dissected companions and the Passing Through companion being particular highlights.

There were a few bits and pieces available in the gift shop and I picked up this tote bag. There were three different designs available, but I really love the Passing Through companion so this design was an easy choice. I'd definitely recommend seeing the exhibition if you have the chance as it really is worth the effort.

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